Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Few Not So Recent Home Projects....

Mudroom Bench
This was my Mothers Day gift in 2018.  I find that I yell a whole lot less with this bad boy...(I mean, i never yell at my kids) But now the kids know exactly where their shoes are and we on time a lot more often!

New Paint and Beam

Piano Painting...

The Deck and Fence..
Yikes, am I right? We don't love our backyard. There used to be big dogs right behind us that would scare a much younger Boston, the traffic from 6200 S. and the planes from the airport are super loud, and there isn't room for a swing set or grass for the kids to play on.

When the big dog neighbors moved, they put up a nice vinyl fence behind the existing one, so we just had to tear down the wooden fence. Thanks neighbors! Also how much better does our yard look with leaves on the trees? 

We had cute little helpers who LOVE to paint...and another cute not so helpful child who took a nap.

Progress! We had so much rain this year, we couldn't start work on the floor boards for 3 months because the Deck Correct had to stay dry for 72 hours.  Even so, when we finished our second coat, some clouds came out of nowhere and lightly rained on it. Thanks a lot Utah! 

And...Tada! So much better! And worth the work and the wait. Now we just need an owl to keep the birds away. Its like the freaking Tracy Aviary out there...seriously, every morning its covered in bird poop.

Also...we are getting rid of the green carpet! Cue happy dancing! I might just be sad to leave our house after we get everything the way we want...

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