Thursday, May 31, 2018

May Happenings

We had a super busy month! It started off with a game of toss gone wrong....This was not a good mom day...I was pretty upset. Luckily I got them both super-glued and they look pretty good.

We played with lots of friends, dressed up, and sang Frozen karaoke. 

Ellie's cute hair lasted about 10 mintues, but here is proof that I do try! haha

 Boston decided to use an oven mitt since the rolls were too hot for his hands...And Ellie is helping me paint the living room!

 I took the kids out on dates again. Ellie really needed some one on one time. We got to go see one of my Laurels in a Disney play at the High School. She really liked it, but after each song, asked super loudly: "So, like only 3 more minutes, right mom?" haha. We went to get ice cream, and we talked about only Ellie things, with no other kids to bug us! She even got to sit in the front seat while we ate in the car. She thought that was pretty cool, and kept turning the radio up really loud. Oh boy.

Rylee cracking us up at the glass door at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Sorry about the dirty window! 

 Ellie's nursery leader sent this to me. She was telling her teachers about when she lived with Jesus.

Having fun playing outside, while Dad and Mom do house projects! Rylee loves being pushed in the cars.

Attempted a cake for my Sister-in-laws girls camp fundraiser. I thought it turned out pretty good! I also got to do a LOT of hair for school dances for the young women and for a few people at a cousin's wedding, but I am lame and didn't take any pictures :( 

 Watching T-ball! Boston did so great this year. 

 Boston and his coach

 I'm getting desperate for punishments when they are fighting! Boston thought it was funny to share a shirt with Ellie....Ellie, not so much haha. Boston got up early to pack lunch to go to Grandma's house the day of the Temple Dedication.

 Family time!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Rylee 11 Months

I'm a bit behind! Rylee hit her 11 month mark on May 8th. We are so excited to celebrate her first birthday in a few weeks! Rylee started walking on May 7th. She is super wobbly, but so proud of herself and claps when she takes a step and falls. She is the first of my kids to walk before 12 months, but she is NO more special than the other two. I hate when people play the comparison game...It just doesn't matter, you know?
Rylee has 4 teeth now. One upper canine and 3 on the bottom. She is loving real food, and doesn't let us eat anything without sharing with her. She loves her sleep, goes to bed around 7:15 and doesn't wake up sometimes til would be real nice if the other kids slept that late! Ha! She takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon, and still loves her binky. She still loves to Facetime Jeff during lunch and is just as chunky as ever! Its getting really hard trying to keep her still for pictures, but I managed to get a few...

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Its More Important to be KIND

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to take the blame for something you didn't do? To apologize to someone else for doing absolutely nothing wrong? I found myself in that situation last week, and I gotta say, it really sucks. It brought out a whole new meaning to this quote:

Last week I really hated this quote. I have been so angry, I am positive my blood started boiling at one point. I literally had to swallow the giant lump in my throat, accept what was being said, and apologize in order to keep the peace and not offend or drive this person away. It is so hard sometimes to swallow your pride, and say you're sorry...I mean, its hard enough to say sorry when you ARE in the wrong, let alone when you're not. Once my blood reduced to a simmer, I started thinking of my Savior. He was blamed, spit upon, and ridiculed for being absolutely perfect. He was accused of so much more than I was for doing NOTHING wrong, and I'm sure his blood temperature never raised even a degree. So why is it so hard for me to let this go? Why do we (as members, or just people in general) struggle so much with our pride? Why is it so hard for us to allow others to see our weaknesses? Why is it so important to always be right? Why do we feel the need to put others down in order to make ourselves look better? These are things I have to work on constantly. I get jealous, I get angry. I feel sorry for myself, I compare my life to others. I feel the need to be RIGHT. But today, I don't need to be right, I need to be kind. Tomorrow will be a better day, and when the time comes next for me to choose to be RIGHT or choose to be KIND, I hope it will be much easier to simply be KIND.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

T-ball Time

Yay for T-ball! Boston is a lot of fun to watch this year. Its starting to get less comical now that they kind of know what they're doing haha. Boston has really come out of his shell. The first game was a little rough, he didn't want to leave my side, but Papa went out with him and he was just fine! And he's been fine by himself every game after that. Although I wish my dad could coach Boston's team again, we really love his coach (Coach Ron) this year! Such a nice guy!

Love this boy!

Ready for the ball!

Jordan River Temple

I've been blessed with many opportunities to visit the Jordan River Temple open house the past month. We got to go twice as a family, once with my parents, and once on our own.Walking through with my kids, holding their hands, explaining things and answering questions was the best. I hope at least Boston is old enough to remember this when he's older. We are so "READY" (this is our youth temple celebration theme - I can break out into song for you if you'd like) for our temple to open again, its about time!