Sunday, May 1, 2022


 Parents and Pastries with the 1st graders! We got to go read books with Ellie this morning!

Isn't she cute?

Spring break to Lava Hot Springs! It was COLD. But we had a blast. The hot pools were a little too warm for the kids, but we spent a lot of time in the inside pools! 

Boston said: Mom, look at that sign. You got to send that to your family - haha!

The campground we stayed at had a fun playground!

We got to see my Grandma Petersen - the kids loved her and she entertained Gracie by letting her put stickers on her forehead haha

Went to the natural springs to get some Soda Water 

Visited my Grandpa


Passover Meal! Holy Week is just my favorite!

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

Papa's 60th birthday!! We sure love our Papa!

Easter Fun

Volunteering in Ellie's class for St. Georges Day :)

Ellie's Soccer Team! She had such a great time this season! 

Microscope Cake! Yeah, I made an edible microscope...

My first 5k - Tulip Festival!