Here she is! Baby Gracie LeAnn Tree. Born August 21, 2020 at 2:22 pm. 8 lbs 12 oz, 20.5 inches - our biggest (and tallest) baby by a long shot! She also has the most hair! We love our Gracie girl!
The birth went smooth! I pushed through 3 contractions, and she was out. I definitely was able to tell a difference between her, and the rest of the babies. She was harder to get out haha. When they read off Gracie's head circumference, Dr. Langer laughed and said that the largest baby she ever delivered vaginally had a head circumference just 2 cm bigger than Gracie's. Big baby!
I thought my anesthesiologist's name was hilarious - Dr. Sharp. My epidural worked amazing! I didn't feel a thing!
There was so much smoke the day she was born from the California fires. The sun was red and the pic above just doesn't do it justice!
Having a baby during a pandemic is something I won't forget. I wore a mask all through labor and anytime anyone was in my room - thanks Covid! Honestly, wearing a mask really isn't that bad, and I hardly even know its on anymore.
This has been the easiest delivery and recovery ever. I don't want to say I don't love visitors, but not being able to have anyone come to the hospital made it so easy to breastfeed on demand. I didn't have to stress about planning her feedings around visitors. So every 3 hours on the dot I could feed her and not be watching the clock waiting for anyone to leave my room so I could. Does that make sense?
So I guess the hospital was on lock down the night we were there. A dad called in wanting information on his adult daughter who was a patient at the hospital, and threatened to kill everyone in the hospital if they refused to give him information. Luckily, I didn't find out about this until a week or so later, but Jeff and I remember an alarm and code coming on the intercom, so we're pretty sure that's what it was for.
Cutie pie!
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