Sunday, July 9, 2017

Phone Photography Phlop

Being a photographer is hard work. I decided to try and take some since I didn't want to pay to have a bunch done. It took me like a million shots to get these. Yeah, yeah, I know the editing is bad, but hey, I used the filters on my phone, so, not TOO bad, huh? It is so hard positioning these babies in  cutesy little poses, and when I did, they'd move as i grabbed my phone, or the older kids weren't smiling. Ugh. It was exhausting. And then after all that work, I scored a free fotofly session, and they took her pics anyways. haha. I am not cut out to be a photographer! Enjoy my little DIY photo shoot!

This one is my favorite



  1. Cute! Too bad you don't have a brother-in-law who would give you the family discount on photos. ��

    1. I always feel bad asking since we don't live close and i know you guys are busy....
