Baby Rylee was scheduled to be induced June 8th. At my 36 week check I was dilated to a 1+; 50% effaced. I totally knew she wasn't coming early, thanks to waiting so long with Ellie. I didn't progress at all those last weeks, and sure enough, we waited all the way to her induction date. We called in at 6:30 a.m., and were told they would call us when they had room available. We got the call at 12:09 p.m., asking us if we could be there at 1. As we were checking in, my doctor saw us in the hall, and immediately brought us to our room. I almost didn't have time to get changed, they wanted things done fast!
She broke my water at 1:15. Yeah, super fast. I started getting contractions around 2:00, and they started getting painful around 2:45, but the anesthesiologist was in a c-section and didn't get in til about 3:45. When he placed it, he mentioned he wasn't able to get it all the way in, he only made it 2 cm, compared to the normal 5 cm. He didn't anticipate any problems, and i started feeling numb, so i didn't care. When they came in to place my catheter though, we realized I wasn't numb anywhere in the basement department. So they had me switch positions to get the juice flowing everywhere. After another 30 minutes or so, they were able to place the catheter, but I started getting more uncomfortable in my stomach area with the contractions, so they kept having me push my button for more juice.
Meanwhile, as the nurses and doctor were monitoring Rylee's heartbeat, they noticed with each contraction that her heart rate would drop (meaning either the cord is pressed against her, or I was progressing super fast) Since I wasn't progressing very fast, they figured the cord was wrapped around her neck, which they said was pretty common, and screwed in an internal monitor on poor Rylee's head to get a better reading.
Back to my sob story, the contractions started getting REALLY painful, and I was progressing really slowly, so they paged the anesthesiologists again, who was stuck in another freaking c-section. When he finally came in to re-dose, he said I would be RIDICULOUSLY numb. I waited and waited through each contraction. Did the pain subside? NOPE!!! Are you all feeling bad for me? I'm a baby, I know... considering people go without anything all the time, but man its painful. And I only felt the contractions, cause I was nice and numb everywhere else. By this time, I was literally crying with every contraction, and Jeff was making stupid comments to try and get me to laugh. It didn't work, but I will give him an E for Effort. I just remember being so exhausted I had no strength in my hand to even squeeze his, so I just cried and he held my hand. The nurse felt pretty bad for me and when she checked the next time, she told me not to push and ran to get the doctor. I started pushing just before 7:10. I pushed through 2 contractions, and she was out at 7:12pm. It was actually pretty cool to feel her from my stomach being pulled out (and pretty cool NOT to feel her come out down there if you know what I mean).
They gave her right to me, and I remember my first thought looking at her was that she looked like Ellie. Those precious moments of seeing your baby for the first time are the best!! I love being a mom! And this time, I finally remembered to ask to see the placenta, which came out in pieces, but still cool to see. Looked like a hunk of meat you'd buy at the store. Gross. Anyways, enjoy the hospital pics!
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