Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Boston and Ellie

I just need to share some sibling pictures, because...boy do these two love each other! It is beyond cute watching them interact. Ellie will smile and has almost laughed at him when he plays with her. Boston will get really close to her face and say GA GA GA GA! Then he'll laugh really hard and do it again. If Ellie is crying and I'm not around, Boston will find her bottle and start feeding her. The pictures down below of him feeding her is done completely by himself! It is so cute watching him take care of her!
Just this week, however, he kind of surprised me when he wasn't so happy with her. He was waiting for his breakfast, and she was sitting on her pillow on the counter waiting for a bottle to be heated up. She had just woken up and was SO hungry. He had just woken up and was SO hungry. She was crying (a little louder than usual) and I was scrambling trying to get Boston his cereal and juice. All of a sudden he stands up on his chair, faces Ellie and yells SHUP ELLIE! SHUP! I immediately stopped what I was doing and just stared at him in disbelief...I had no words. He is yelling at her to shut up??? Let me explain...
Boston loves the movie Brother Bear. He has watched it a gazillion times. You know the scene where the mountain goats are yelling on the mountain at their echoes? "No, you shut up! No, YOU shut up!" Yes, I am going to blame it on the goats. Although, there may have been a handful of times Jeff or I have yelled at the dogs in the neighbors yard to "shut up." Whoops!

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