I will begin at my 36 week visit. This was the first time I was getting checked for dilation and effacement. I wasn't expecting anything. During the appointment my doctor started to laugh and said, 'you are going to love this, you are dilated to a 2+!' Say what now? I was never ever this far dilated with Boston, i was in the hospital in labor when I was at a 2+. Yeah, but I could stay this way for another few weeks, right?? She said its possible, but there's a good chance she'll come early. I was NOT loving this news, I was terrified. So terrified that I cried all the way home. I tried to keep it together, but come on, I was pregnant. Here I was, thinking I still had 3 weeks or so, and my doctor is acting like I would go into labor within the week!
My 37 week appointment rolled around and I was at a solid 3, 50% effaced. Ellie's head was low, and my doctor chuckled again and said, well, we'll want to let her cook another week, and then we'll strip your membranes if you make it that long. Holy crap! I could not believe the progress I was making. I worried all day long. I remember this exactly, because it was our anniversary, and Jeff was at a state wrestling tournament. I was folding laundry waiting for him to come home late that night, just bawling. How was I going to do this again? How would I be able to take care of both kids? How was I going to deal postpartum? Let's be real, my hormones we're going nuts! There was a knock at the door, (scaring the crap out of me) so I hurried and wiped my tears, opening the door to see Jeff, with sandwiches and drinks to celebrate. I started crying again, and he was probably so confused! Haha. I'm laughing writing this. I was so emotional. He just hugged me and we talked for a long time about the baby, I always feel so much better after talking with him. I woke up the next morning feeling nothing but excitement. I totally changed my whole outlook, and got all the last minute things done. Hospital bags packed, Boston's overnight bag packed, everything was ready. Now I just had to relax and wait....and wait.....and WAIT.
My 38 week appointment was coming up, so Jeff started writing up a weeks worth of lesson plans, we assumed after she stripped my membranes I would start within a few days. I was finally excited! And so ready now. Bring on the baby! Sitting in my room, ready to get the membranes stripped, and in walks the nurse practitioner. Ugh, are you freaking kidding me? 'Dr. Langer just left for a delivery, I hope you don't mind if I see you today!' Yes I do mind! Get the heck out! She told me I hadn't progressed any further, and told me to schedule my next week visit. I hate your freaking guts lady! Here I was, all ready now, and no more progressing? Is this a freaking joke? I told her right then that I wanted to schedule an induction. Friday, February 27th. It didn't seem possible I would go til then, everyone had me convinced she was coming days ago. So, I went home feeling like a ticking time bomb, and spent the next week eating spices foods, doing squats, taking long walks, anything I could. She wasn't coming. I felt NOTHING. Made it to my next appointment. So happy my doctor was actually there this time, I had progressed to a 3+ and 80% effaced. She stripped my membranes, and I was hopeful for a small miracle that I would just start laboring right then and there laying on the table. She gave me instructions for the day of the induction, and that was that. Well, ready or not she would be forced to be here Friday at the latest.
The day before going in, we took a trip to Jordan Valley Hospital to see our newest little nephew Jack! Holding little baby Jack, I started getting really nervous again! It must have been obvious because my mom put her arm around me and told me everything was going to be ok. That night we packed Boston up and took him to my mom and dads house where he was staying the weekend. Jeff, with the help of my dad, gave me a really nice blessing that helped me not be so nervous! Heavenly Father is so mindful of us! I needed that blessing. Jeff and I went home and added the last few things to our hospital bags. Right before bed, my mucous plug started coming out. Could it be that after all this waiting I just might start on my own the night before I get induced? HA! Yeah right.
I got a call from the hospital telling me that I needed to call them at 6 am the next morning to get my estimated time of induction. We woke up the next morning after not sleeping well at all. So much for my last night of freedom. We called the hospital and were told we would be placed on a waiting list, and they would likely call around 9 or 10 am. Dang it! After I hung up the phone, I immediately got a series of calls, from the hospital and my OB. Turns out my doctor wasn't too happy they tried to move me back, and my appointment was scheduled for 8:00 am! My doctor is the GREATEST! She had been up at 5 am checking the hospital schedule for me. She is awesome.
So off we went to the hospital! This trip to the hospital was a lot easier than my trip with Boston. No contractions, no pain, but I was SO anxious. We checked in, got to our room, and then everything went by super fast. I changed, got in the hospital bed, and the nurse came in and placed my IV and hooked me up to the pitosin. The on call doctor came in to check me and break my water. I was dilated to a 4. My water was broken at 8:34 am. What a weird feeling! It was like a constant feeling of slowly wetting the bed. My regular OB was not able to do this, seeing as how they moved my appointment to when she had to be at her clinic. The doctor who broke my water was WEIRD. I can't remember his name, but he was strange. After about 30 minutes or so, my contractions started getting pretty painful. What can I say, i'm a baby, and asked for my epidural. The anesthesiologist was AWESOME! I didn't have to do a thing. He came in, practically picked me up and tucked my knees right where he wanted them. Thank you my good sir! The epidural was easier than getting my IV placed! It took awhile for the epidural to fully take effect, I felt some pretty painful contractions on my right side for another 30 minutes, or so. Next time I won't wait at all for that thing! Haha.
When they came back in to check me again, I was dilated to a 5. They changed the towel underneath me and found that Ellie had passed some meconium (in other words, poop) and were worried she could have swallowed or inhaled some of it, and would have problems with her breathing. We were told this would only be a problem if she doesn't come out crying.
Twenty minutes later I was at a 7, and the nurse told me I would have my baby within the hour! Say what? I was progressing so fast, all the nurses and interns were running all over the room trying to get things set up. They called my doctor, who left the clinic to come deliver. Every time the nurse left the room, she told me not to push. I was afraid to do anything...was she just going to slide out? The hour that followed was all just a blur, so many things going on and before I knew it my doctor rushed in, my feet were placed in stirrups, and i was pushing. I pushed twice, through two contractions, and then my doctor had me do a few slow little pushes (i'm thinking so she didn't shoot right out like a cannon??) to get her completely out. Thank you Grandma Petersen for passing on your wonderful childbearing hips ;) I couldn't believe it, just like that, my little baby was now sitting in my arms. My very first thought was that she looked just like Boston!
She did come out crying, and she kept at it for awhile! She was so comfy where she was! Actually we both were pretty comfortable those last few months. They left her on my chest while they cleaned her up and did the majority of their post delivery routine. It was really cool. Until they came over and told me she had peed all over me. What the heck, Ellie? At least I couldn't feel anything :) They did end up pumping her stomach, but everything looked great! As for myself, I ended up tearing internally, which took a little longer for my doctor to stitch up, but other than that, things went smoothly!
So off we went to the hospital! This trip to the hospital was a lot easier than my trip with Boston. No contractions, no pain, but I was SO anxious. We checked in, got to our room, and then everything went by super fast. I changed, got in the hospital bed, and the nurse came in and placed my IV and hooked me up to the pitosin. The on call doctor came in to check me and break my water. I was dilated to a 4. My water was broken at 8:34 am. What a weird feeling! It was like a constant feeling of slowly wetting the bed. My regular OB was not able to do this, seeing as how they moved my appointment to when she had to be at her clinic. The doctor who broke my water was WEIRD. I can't remember his name, but he was strange. After about 30 minutes or so, my contractions started getting pretty painful. What can I say, i'm a baby, and asked for my epidural. The anesthesiologist was AWESOME! I didn't have to do a thing. He came in, practically picked me up and tucked my knees right where he wanted them. Thank you my good sir! The epidural was easier than getting my IV placed! It took awhile for the epidural to fully take effect, I felt some pretty painful contractions on my right side for another 30 minutes, or so. Next time I won't wait at all for that thing! Haha.
When they came back in to check me again, I was dilated to a 5. They changed the towel underneath me and found that Ellie had passed some meconium (in other words, poop) and were worried she could have swallowed or inhaled some of it, and would have problems with her breathing. We were told this would only be a problem if she doesn't come out crying.
Twenty minutes later I was at a 7, and the nurse told me I would have my baby within the hour! Say what? I was progressing so fast, all the nurses and interns were running all over the room trying to get things set up. They called my doctor, who left the clinic to come deliver. Every time the nurse left the room, she told me not to push. I was afraid to do anything...was she just going to slide out? The hour that followed was all just a blur, so many things going on and before I knew it my doctor rushed in, my feet were placed in stirrups, and i was pushing. I pushed twice, through two contractions, and then my doctor had me do a few slow little pushes (i'm thinking so she didn't shoot right out like a cannon??) to get her completely out. Thank you Grandma Petersen for passing on your wonderful childbearing hips ;) I couldn't believe it, just like that, my little baby was now sitting in my arms. My very first thought was that she looked just like Boston!
She did come out crying, and she kept at it for awhile! She was so comfy where she was! Actually we both were pretty comfortable those last few months. They left her on my chest while they cleaned her up and did the majority of their post delivery routine. It was really cool. Until they came over and told me she had peed all over me. What the heck, Ellie? At least I couldn't feel anything :) They did end up pumping her stomach, but everything looked great! As for myself, I ended up tearing internally, which took a little longer for my doctor to stitch up, but other than that, things went smoothly!
We stayed one night in the hospital, and by the next day I was ready to get the heck out of there. I had some pretty odd nurses. We were so happy to have her home! She's been such a joy to our family from the second she was born. We love our little Ellie Bean!
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