While we were in one section of the store a man walked by us who gave me a weird feeling. He was smiling at Boston and stopped to watch him for a few seconds. He left, and I didn't think anything of it. We made our way to the back of the store to look at some sewing supplies. I remember bending over to pick something up, and then Boston was gone. At first I wasn't concerned because he likes to wander and look at things, so we casually turned the corner looking for him, but he wasn't there. Next aisle, not there. Next aisle, no Boston. The further I went the more panicked I became. Jeff went the opposite way as i did and after moving quite a ways away, I made eye contact with Jeff down an aisle, and he was shaking his head no. It put me in an absolute panick. I ran down a different section of the store with no luck. Again, I made eye contact with Jeff across a section of the store and he shook his head no again. By this point I was freaking out and pleading for help in finding him. I had the thought to look in the online store pickup room in the back of the store, but being so panicked, the thought was replaced by the creepy guy who was staring at Boston earlier. I thought to myself, that man took Boston...he has him and is going to put him in his car and drive away. I ran to the front of the store thinking I've got to make sure he doesn't leave the store with my baby. I paced the front of the store just pleading and praying that Boston was ok. I kept thinking the worst, what if I have to leave the store tonight without him? What terrible things will happen to my innocent little boy if he was kidnapped? What if I won't ever be able to kiss his little cheeks or hug him again? What if Ellie won't ever meet her big brother?
All these thoughts flashed through my head as I ran into customer service begging for help. They asked me his name and description and were just about to announce it on the intercom when I got a call from Jeff that he had found him. My knees were shaking and I broke down. I have never been so terrified in my entire life. It turns out Jeff had the thought to look in the online pick up room as well, and that is where he found him. Behind the counter getting into a box of who knows what. I was so happy and angry and relieved all at the same time I didn't quite know what to do. I just hugged him and scolded him and cried. He kept looking at me like I was nuts, which I'm sure the rest of the store was doing as well.
I learned several lessons that night. First of all, Boston will never leave the cart again...or maybe I'll invest in a leash. Secondly, I need to trust my Heavenly Father. I was so frantic and assuming the worst, that I didn't take the time to listen to a prompting. I'm so grateful we were able to leave the store with him! I'm grateful he is sitting here with me right now giving me the same look he did when we found him at the store, as I'm sitting here sobbing. I'm grateful for this experience to remind me to not take him for granted. To remember each morning that I'm lucky to wake up to him, even when he's screaming or pounding on the door early in the morning. Grateful for a reminder to think twice when I lose my patience with him. Grateful that I get to kiss him and cuddle him and be his mom. So many things to be grateful for!
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