Sunday, July 23, 2023

LIfe in April

Rylee is in soccer right now - she LOVES it. She surprised us all with how aggressive she is. My other kids tend to be too nice when they play sports haha. We're grateful she has an outlet (that isn't one of her siblings) to release her anger.

Wedding reception and sleepover with Grandpa, Ashley and cousins!

Boston started baseball again! He's one of his teams pitchers - he does so well! He really loves baseball.

Playing with cousins

Easter with the Tree's

So many baptisms! Ellie has a great group of friends!

Temple Open House!! It was so worth the wait. We are so excited for our temple!

Western Day at school!

Costco lunch reward for no cavities at the dentist

Easter with the Roberts

We had an amazing Holy Week. It also happened to be spring break, so Jeff was home the whole week with us. It snowed a bunch, and Boston was sick for part of it, but we made up for it with swimming, games, baking, the new Mario movie. 

We celebrated Holy Week with daily devotions. We all chose to give something up for the whole week as a gift to Jesus, and we celebrated the passover with a dinner on the floor with candles. We love this week so much!

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

Grandpa's Birthday!

Rylee got to have her grandpa come to kindergarten to read books with her. She got spoiled and got to pick a book from the book fair. She chose a kitty journal and spent all of conference taking notes in it. It was so cute! 

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