Sunday, June 14, 2020

May Things

 Sunset Jammie hikes!

Boston finally gets to use his Kayak!! And was such a good sport to all the girls who wanted rides. 

Drove up to see Grandpa on his birthday. We have really enjoyed being able to see Grandparents again! My doctor has been really strict with who we are able to see. She doesn't want our kids around any other kids...which has been sad, and they miss their cousins! But we feel good about keeping the baby safe. 

Hair-do credit: Ellie and Boston

I wish I had gotten a better before picture of the corner of our yard. It was all weeds around a firepit.  We took out the firepit to add some garden boxes. I found some landscaping rock for free to place around them. The kids were great to help! 

The plan is to add 2-3 more vertical boxes next year, and hopefully the grass will come in around the rock a bit better :) We have tomatoes, peppers, jalapenos, zucchini and squash planted! And boy am I having a hard time figuring out the drip system (insert scared face) Lets hope all this hard work pays off.

Our neighbors hosted a snow cone truck in their driveway. We were all so excited!

A little Sunday slime making activity...

Rylee taking care of me :)

Kayaking at Deer Creek! 

We had a vacation planned to St George the beginning of June, but ended up having to cancel everything because of the Corona-virus. We were all so sad and bummed, we decided to use the money that was refunded to us to get a few more water toys to take advantage of what we CAN do, and try not to think of all the things we CAN'T do right now.  

Decided to give this popular watercolor style a try. It was not easy... haha.

Rylee fell off her chair and landed on her ear. I've never seen an ear bruise before, but she got it good!

 Said goodbye to the good old (emphasis on old) trailblazer!

Temple Construction

Primary Zoom meetings

 The girls have been struggling sleeping lately. Bad dreams, lost stuffed animals or Rylee sleepwalking. I have a hard time getting back to sleep after getting up with them. A couple magical mornings, they got up just before the sun rose, so I took advantage and walked up the trail loop off our neighborhood to watch the sun rise. It was really peaceful. 

Trampoline sleepover! Alpine School District put on a firework show, so we stayed up late and got to watch them light up across the whole valley. There weren't many schools we weren't able to see from our deck!

Dad suggested pulling taffy for an activity. I'd never tried it before, but it was fun and the kids had such a great time!

We decided to make bird feeders after church. It's so hard trying to make home life entertaining with 3 kids. Phew. 

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