Wednesday, March 6, 2019

February Happenings

Friday Night Pizza night...we started smoking our homemade pizza's. Jeff is obsessed with the smoker, and I won't complain! Smoked pizza is pretty darn good. We introduced the kids to Star Wars. We all look forward to Friday nights! 

Ellie LOVES to cook. I can't start making anything without her pushing up a chair next to me to help. I can't say I'm upset about it, we've had lots of fun trying new things! Here she is making her specialty: Cheesy Eggs haha.

Playing at Grandma's

We took Ellie to the Dr. for her well check appointment. Rylee loved this old man sitting in the waiting room and kept invading his personal space haha. 

Poor Boston got a nasty stomach bug at the beginning of the month. He woke up screaming in the middle of the night that his head hurt, and then promptly threw up all the medicine I gave him 30 minutes later. It just so happened that we had a power outage during all this. Call me terrible, but a sick kid with no TV is the worst. I can only do so much to entertain him before he is completely bored with me. Also, all the barfed on clothes and sheets? Yikes. I really take a lot of things for granted! 

Rylee doesn't like to miss out on the baking! She mostly just likes taste testing and will sneak the beaters or spatula's while my back is turned ha!

I don't feel like the pictures do it justice...

 Lots of snowmobiling adventures this month...

 Celebrating February birthdays! And Rylee, because she is all about the FOOD

I tell ya...this kid takes good care of his sisters. He pulled both of them around on the sled around the front yard for a pretty long time!

Fun at Squeeze-It Grandma's!

Daddy daughter date with Ellie. When I asked him how it went, Jeff responded: She did not stop talking the ENTIRE. TIME. Haha!

Its not unusual to find all sorts of Disney characters roaming through the house. The force is especially strong with Princess Anna. Also, I got Rylee the Anna wig as a joke, but she actually loves it and freaks out if it moves even a little bit off her head.

Boston found a huge icicle on the side of our house! 

Fun with friends

More snowmobiling! I actually got to go this time while Ellie and Rylee had fun at Uncle Brady's and Aunt Marissa's house (thank you!)  It was actually REALLY fun despite getting stuck multiple times and almost having a heart attack when they tried to get me to drive up a huge hill afterwards. (I mean, I'm talking MT EVEREST ;)) Thanks Grandpa, for taking us all snowmobiling!

Its just so clean and so pretty, and I took too many pictures that don't do the view justice...

So nice that "Fishy" Grandma and Papa are close and can help us out on mutual/basketball game nights! Story time is always a blast!

Making meatballs!

End of February/Early March Birthday! So fun to have all of these girls with close birthdays :)

This girl....haha

And ON to March we go!

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