Sunday, December 27, 2015

Ellie 10 Months

10 month old Ellie can pull herself up, walk along the couch, wave hi and bye, clap her hands, blow kisses, babble nonsense, and dance. She has 5 teeth. She mimics everything we do. She is a giant sweetheart!
She and Boston have a love hate relationship. They are either best friends or annoying the crap out of each other. They were playing a few days ago, and she crawled close to the stairs, so I got after her. Ellie, don't go by the stairs! As I said it, Boston poked his head out from the closet and said, no, mom, that's robin. And I'm batman. Fine. Robin. Dont go by the stairs. 
Ellie is starting to hold her own with Boston. Usually he is the one who freaks out when she gets close to his toys. Now, she'll let him have it if he takes hers. Good for you Ellie bean!
Her nicknames are Jelly, jelly bean, Ellie bean, and sweet heart. Sometimes when we get crazy, we sing peanut butter Ellie time, and Boston thinks it's pretty funny. Now its the song I hear through the vent every morning. Either that, or jingle bells. Lucky us! 

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