Sunday, August 9, 2015

5 Months Old

Happy 5 month Birthday Ellie! You are getting so chubby! You love to eat...seriously, I feel like all you do is eat right now. I left for youth conference this past weekend, and came back to find you pretty much twice the size as when I left! Ok, maybe not, but I feel like you grew a ton in just a few days!
We were camping when you turned 5 months, but I made sure to remember this time, and got a few cute pictures. You have started eating a few other things other than rice cereal, we tried some pears, squash and beans. (Mostly because you are always hungry, and I can't keep up with you!) Baby food veggies are just gross. But you eat them!
You are rolling all over the place. Its almost like you're crawling because you are so mobile, you just roll where you want to go. Yikes! I don't know if i'm ready for two mobile kids.

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