Sunday, July 12, 2015

4 months old

I missed this one by a long shot! Ellie turned 4months on June 27. I got home from girls camp that day, and had one thing after another after another come up and forgot to take a 4 month picture :( I'm so sad. I took some a few days later, and have doctor visit pictures. 
We found out at her doctors appointment that she was mis-measured at her 2 month appointment. She is 25 inches long (75%) and weighs 14.25 lbs (50%) She's getting some chub to her, but still isn't very big! She handled her shots like a champ! 
Ellie is an angel baby. Seriously, she is so good. We started feeding her rice cereal, and she is great at eating already! She has found her voice, and squawks and squeals all the time. Especially at church! It gets a little loud, but it's pretty cute. Boston likes to lay next to her because she can't hold still and when she touches his arm or smacks him in the face on accident he thinks it's hilarious. They both start giggling at each other! This usually happens when we're trying to read scriptures at night, we all end up just laughing because it's so cute. I'm sure Boston is just trying to delay his bedtime, and it works! Boston and Ellie both like singing songs. Popcorn popping and Jesus wants me for a sunbeam are both favorites. Often times I'll find him playing quietly and singing songs to himself. Awww. I sure love my kiddos! I just got back from teaching a lesson in Young Women's on the blessings of temple ordinances. I shared my testimony on their importance especially that of eternal families. What a great blessing it is to be sealed to my family forever! 

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