Time is flying! You are growing so fast. You love to play hide n seek and peek a boo. You put your little hands over your eyes and peek through your fingers. We play hide n seek a lot! You think it's so fun to find us and scream and laugh when we scare you. I've finally got you to wear shoes, or more like I've finally found shoes that fit your fat little feet :)
You know what no means, and will shake your head no if I give you something you don't want. You've added bye to your vocabulary, and gave me a kiss the other day. I don't think you liked it haha. I said kiss? And you just moved your face close to mine. You did it once and will not do it again. Don't worry, we'll keep working on it ;)
It's been warm enough over the last few weeks that we've been able to play outside. You love it! You walked around the block with me all on your own, and stop to check out pretty much everything you see.
You are so happy! We love you!