Happy Birthday Rylee!
Rylee LOVES watermelon. And I mean, she REALLY loves it. She would eat it for every meal. She loves Sofia the First. She specifically asked for a Sofia birthday with a Sofia cake with lots of purple sprinkles. She also really loves cookie dough. Whenever we make cookies, we freeze the rest of the dough, and multiple times gone to make cookies with the frozen dough, and all that's left in the freezer is an empty ziplock bag haha!
Rylee loves being the center of attention, and thinks she's the funniest person on the planet. She gets a lot of attention from her siblings, and the more you laugh, the more she puts on a show. She is not afraid to hurt feelings. She does what she wants, when she wants, and is not afraid to tell you if she doesn't like something or doesn't want to do something. She tells her siblings off all the time.
A couple months ago I asked her to come give me a hug. Her exact words were: "Go hug yourself." yikes.
Rylee loves to swing in the backyard. At least 10 times a day she asks me to push her on the swing. Even if I'm mowing the lawn, or right in the middle of something, she comes to ask for a push on the swing and refuses to learn how to pump her legs.
Rylee loves (and is very good at) puzzles. She will quietly disappear, and I'll catch her putting together and taking apart the same puzzle over and over.
Ever since Ellie's Birthday, she's thought every day is her birthday. Papa and "Diane-Grandma" (what Rylee calls her now that she's learned they share a name haha) usually take the kids out for their birthday's instead of doing toys. As soon as they brought Ellie back from her birthday date, she immediately ran to get her shoes on yelling, "Now its my Birthday!" And now this darn corona virus has changed all that. But she was a good sport and loved having Grandma's and Grandpa's over to celebrate on her birthday!

Rylee loves Frozen. One of her favorite activities is to sing frozen as loud as she can in the backyard. In the movie when the siren is calling to Elsa, she will make that sound really loud and is usually answered back by random kids in the neighborhood. One time Jeff decided to copy Rylee, and was echoed by another older guy somewhere. It was really funny. If she hears anyone singing, she'll stop whatever she's doing and ask everyone: "Do you hear that voice? It's calling me!" And then she breaks into song.
We had such fun plans for Rylee's birthday! We were going to make a slip n slide in the back yard, run through the sprinklers, have a BBQ and let her eat all the watermelon she wanted. We were so bummed when her birthday landed on a freezing cold day, and my emotional self cried trying to come up with ways to make her birthday special being stuck inside the house again. It's about what you CAN do...not what you CAN'T. Right?
Jeff suggested setting up the projector and letting her watch a movie, so we ran with the idea and tried to make it as fun and special as possible.
We made a treasure hunt for the kids to go on, and the "treasure" at the end was fake money and movie tickets. They walked down to the basement where they got to pick a car to drive to the drive-in.
They were greeted by this lovely hostess (I joked with Jeff that I wanted him to wear a concession hat, and then he secretly made and wore it almost the whole time haha) who took their tickets and sold them concessions with their fake money.
I may have gone a little crazy on the theatre candy, but I wanted it to feel like a real theatre. Jeff made popcorn and we had drinks they could buy. We rented the new Trolls movie, and they had a blast! I'm so glad we were able to do something fun on her birthday.
Rylee chose the menu for dinner, which consisted of: Mac N Cheese, Bacon, Watermelon, and Strawberry Milk. I threw in some salad anyways haha. Happy Birthday Rylee! We love you!