Monday, November 4, 2019


Halloween Parade at school!
Boston didn't even crack a smile....haha

Ellie's preschool party

We stayed to eat lunch with Boston at school. He kept "bubbles" in his mouth and his arms folded in line. He wouldn't even talk to me Ha! Again...he is not a rule breaker. 

Boston's class party! 
I was in charge of "Don't Eat Pete."  I scared one girl so bad yelling "don't eat pete!" I made her cry. Whoops :)

Princess Anna met another Queen Elsa

Graveyard cake...the kids always want to make this cake, but it never gets eaten. Too much candy and sugar in one day...

My cute trick or treaters! Elsa, Anna, and a storm trooper. 

There were lots of great decorations in the neighborhood, but the sign that said "dead inside" really stumped Boston. "If everyone is dead inside, why would they want trick or treaters at their house?" He was so confused haha.

I was pretty proud of the kids. They were talking to everyone that gave them candy. It was cute watching Ellie get more comfortable talking to people. Its also always nice in my church meetings when I can say: "I literally said hi to every single person in my neighborhood." Ha! We love Halloween!

I really love peanut butter snickers. After not seeing a single one in the kids buckets, i had to take matters into my own hands thanks to day-after-halloween clearance. I now have an emergency stash in a secret location that will remain unknown ;)

Also, the picture above is where I found the candy. That isn't my cart full of snickers for myself. HA!

Tree Halloween Party

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