Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Ry-Ry's Birthday & St. George

Rylee's Birthday this year was a blast! We decided our family needed a little vacation. So we booked a hotel in St. George with a pool and left right after Daddy's last day of school. Our van was so nice on the trip down with the DVD player. Jeff and I got to sit in peace haha. We decided to have pizza and cake with grandparents before we left. 

 We hadn't even got out of the car before the kids were begging to go swimming. was like 6 at night, but we all got in! At last, we made it to the pool! 

The kids loved getting to watch a bunch of cartoons...

Can you guess what we did right after breakfast?

 After swimming all morning, we went back for naps, but Boston, Ellie and I couldn't go to sleep, so down we went again. We probably spent an hour seeing who could make the biggest splash. Boston and Ellie started fighting, meanwhile a teenage brother and sister were arguing over at the other end of the pool. I got out to send a text to Jeff, and the next thing I new, all 4 of them were playing together. It was hilarious, it was like they were playing with their future selves. Those teenagers totally made their day!

 Happy Happy Birthday Rylee!!
We celebrated by going to see Aladdin (which is my new favorite live action disney movie) Rylee was awful. She realized her shoes make a fun click clacking sound on the theatre floor, so all she wanted to do was run up and down the aisle and peek her head through the chairs to look at the people sitting in front of us. She also enjoyed running up and down the stairs. It was great fun! We then took her for dinner and ice cream, and surprise! We swam that night again. 

 Rylee loves all things Frozen, and loves to sing to the soundtrack in the car, as well as the Aladdin soundtrack now. She is so stubborn and gets her way a lot of the time, especially if she's with Jeff haha. She has NO FEAR. If she wants to run out in the street, she will, no matter how many times she gets in trouble. She will climb most anything at the playground and think its funny when we try and get her down. She loves purses, chapstick, anything that belongs to Ellie, unicorns, ponies, princesses and pink. We had to go get more Ikea plates just to satisfy all the pink plate demands in our house.  She loves puppies, and animals as long as they are behind a fence, or on a cartoon. She freaks if she gets too close to a dog. 

She refuses to sit in the cart at the store anymore, so she walks, but I make her hold on to the side of the cart. One time while she was walking, she kept letting go of the cart, and as I told her to come back and hold on she yelled : NO! NEVER! She then sat in the cart screaming for the rest of the time we were there.
She still loves her binky, although we only let her have it to sleep. Not looking forward to getting rid of that thing. She is cuddly and loves to give kisses. She is SO thrilled to have Jeff home, and hasn't really let him go all summer. Starting school again will be pretty rough!

Rylee loves the zoo. So much so in fact that she loves to wander off like she owns the place to do her own thing. She has been lost a grand total of 2 times. Once with me, and once with my Dad. (Sorry Dad!) The first time we were playing on the playground. Boston and Ellie ran off to play, while I watched Rylee play. She likes to climb the stairs, walk past the slide, over the bridge, down the stairs, and then jump off a platform to me. I would carry her back over to climb the stairs and she would start over. 
After the 5th or 6th round of this, I set her down, watched her start up the stairs, and turned to check on Boston and Ellie. I saw Ellie's pink polka dot shirt, turned back around to find Rylee up the stairs, but couldn't see her. I sat and waited for a bit, figuring she got distracted on the stairs, but still didn't see her. I walked past the bridge trying to see her somewhere, but she wasn't anywhere. I ran up the stairs, all the way through....and nothing. I started panicking, running everywhere calling her name, and...nothing. I ran to a group of parents describing her, asking if they'd seen her, and .....nothing. Finally, I grabbed Boston with one hand, and Ellie with the other, and ran out of the park searching everywhere. Luckily, we didn't have to run far, but she had made it all the way up to the Elephants on her own. She was holding onto a zookeepers hand, and I just started bawling. We went back to the wagons, and one of the moms came up and hugged me telling me I was doing a good job. Obviously not lady, I just lost my freaking kid! But...I was grateful for her kindness. 

The second time she got lost, my Dad offered to take the kids so I could spend the day with my mom and sister. It was a Friday, so Jeff was still working. The kids were so excited to spend the day with my Dad, and he even offered to take them to the zoo. So great! I got a call that afternoon from my dad, telling me that everything was ok, but Rylee had gotten lost. That girl!!! Apparantly, there was a bench by the carousel that she insisted on sitting on that wasn't where everyone else was sitting. My dad reached down to get some capri suns for Boston and Ellie, looked back up and she was gone. 

At this point...I'm pretty concerned about Rylee's future. She's going to be a fugitive or something.

So, I can imagine them all running around frantically looking for her, around the carousel, on the carousel, every which way she could have gone. After awhile, my dad went to security to get some help. They were able to find her...any guesses where? She was with a family that recognized her down by the polar bears. The POLAR BEARS. Apparantly they were feeding her cotton candy to keep her happy haha. She got to ride in a golf cart up to meet my dad, and when they got to him, apologized for taking so long. Rylee wanted them to stop so she could see all the animals on the way up. She is bossy, demanding, and definitely knows what she wants. 

We seriously swam so much, my hair turned a bright shade of GREEN. It was awful, and I was a little worried it might need to be chopped off. After researching, I decided to try smothering my head in ketchup. I already had ketchup in the house, so it would be cheap and easy. It was one of the grossest things I've ever done. I literally squirted ketchup all over my head and then had to sit with it on for 20 minutes. I smelled like a giant spaghetti-o. Even Jeff wouldn't come near me, and that's saying something! After rinsing it out, i found that not only was my hair still green, I now smelled awful.
I also tried a baking soda paste. The baking soda is supposed to remove the minerals that cause the green hair. Yeah that didn't work either. Although, it was less smelly. 
Finally, after soaking my hair in lemon juice, I finally got rid of the green. Hallelujah! So if your hair ever turns green in the pool, try lemon juice first. I'm pretty sure someone just made up the ketchup remedy to get people to put random stuff on their heads ha!

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