Monday, December 31, 2018

December Things

We said goodbye to our thankful tree, and replaced it with Baby Jesus's manger.

Rylee took a tumble in the bath and had to get stitches. She and Ellie both like to go to urgent care right before church. It took 3 adults just to hold her down after her arms were strapped down. They had to cover her face to sterilize the site and once her eyes were covered, she freaked even more and started screaming my name. I held it together pretty good until then. And the nurse asked if there was a favorite song I could sing to her. I wanted to smack her. Lady, does it look like I can sing a song right now? So I told her no, but Daddy likes to sing to her. ha! Jeff couldn't do it either. 

3 stitches and one exhausted baby later, I decided to be good and take the older two kids to church while Jeff stayed home to let Rylee sleep. We missed Sacrament, so I went to the library, made copies, sat down in Sunday school, and someone immediately came in interrupting the class to tell me that someone backed into our trailblazer. Head smack. Next time i'm staying home ;) Good thing it was only the taillight!

Ward Christmas Party

 New PJ's

Ellie's first dance recital at the Dickens Festival!

 Ry-ry's first day of nursery! I tried to get a better picture and she just screamed at me. We are all glad she's in nursery, and she and Ellie get to stay together for a few weeks!

 Temple Square!

 That daily school routine....and a cute snowman the Boston drew

Some Crafts....

Celebrating the December Birthday's with the Roberts

Making neighbor treats

Ellie's Christmas Dance recital

Ellie got to wear could tell she wasn't used to it because she rubbed herself some racoon eyes by the end of the night ha! 

Boston's school sing a long

Decorating Sugar Cookies!