Monday, September 24, 2018

Rylee - 15 Months

First thing you need to know about Rylee is that she HATES to eat. If you look at her, you might think she is homeless and that we are starving her. But seriously, if you want to be her friend, just give her food. She screams at me at church if i'm not feeding her cheerios fast enough, (Well, she does that everywhere, its just more embarrassing at church)and she'll sit at the bottom of her high chair and hit it til I come put her in. At every party or family event, you will see Rylee roaming around abandoned plates eating everyone's leftovers. 

We had baked potatoes for dinner one night, and she started screaming and pointing at the table at the other half that I didn't peel for her. What you are about to see might graphic for some people. Viewer discretion is advised.

Second thing you need to know about Rylee: She loves to be SILLY, mischevious, and do her own thing. Don't you dare tell her she can't do something, she'll let you have it haha. She loves to be scared and has the cutest little personality! We'll jump out of rooms or closets and she laughs and runs and then comes to find us again.


Third thing you need to know about Rylee: She LOVES shoes. She wears my shoes, Daddy's shoes, her own shoes, all the time, she always wants her shoes. 

Fourth fact about Rylee: She LOVES to throw things in the garbage, and loves to disorganize everything. I was sitting at the table helping Boston with homework and noticed her putting things in the trash. Toys, papers, remotes, she likes to throw things away. I have never had a harder time keeping track of things or keeping things tidy than I do with this girl around. Every time you walk into a room you immediately know if Rylee has been there or not. She will walk in her room, throw her clothes out of her drawer, move to her toys, dump them out, and then move on to the next room. Its like her favorite game. 

Rylee can say: Mom, Dad, Chuckles, Ellie, Shoes, Wow, Whoa, Hello, and Go. She is angry at the world right now because we cut her off from the bottle and she hates her sippy cups. She loves to climb, and can climb all the way on top of the kitchen counter by using her high chair. I cannot leave her alone anywhere without her getting into trouble. All I have to do is yell "HEY!" down the hall and Rylee runs out from where ever she is with a guilty look on her face haha.

Good news is she is now 52% height and 89% weight, so she is getting slightly more proportioned. The doctor thinks she will thin out a lot before the next appointment (which makes me really sad) But she's never met a Rylee like this one though, so we'll believe it when we see it!

Friday, September 14, 2018

August Happenings

Jeff, Boston and Ellie all got to go to the Heber Rodeo while I was at youth conference. They love the stick horse race! Rylee got to party with my parents. 

We tried our best to squeeze in as much as we could before Jeff went back to work! The kids loved going on bike rides!

Tree Family Reuion


Fun with cousin Jack

Boston teaching Ellie how to ride his bike. It didn't go well, and he gave up ha!

Draper Splash pad. This place is legit! Coolest splash pad I've been to!

Our friends that moved to Eagle Mountain. So glad we still keep in touch!

All the work of the garden is finally paying off!

FHE with the Tree's

I was taking pics of the girls, and Addy came up and sat on my lap! So of course we had to take a selfie...creepy photo bomb thanks to Boston

BBQ with the Roberts

Boston's school carnival

 Boston got to go on our ward's Father and Sons campout with Jeff and Grandpa Tree. 

 Ellie and I had our own sleepover while the boys were gone! We got to watch Beauty and the Beast and Ellie explained everything that was happening at every moment so I wouldn't be scared haha.

And finally, this is what happens when Jeff has too much time on his hands. Its comforting to know that Ellie's giant stuffed Minnie Mouse fits in my clothes.