Have you ever been in a situation where you had to take the blame for something you didn't do? To apologize to someone else for doing absolutely nothing wrong? I found myself in that situation last week, and I gotta say, it really sucks. It brought out a whole new meaning to this quote:
Last week I really hated this quote. I have been so angry, I am positive my blood started boiling at one point. I literally had to swallow the giant lump in my throat, accept what was being said, and apologize in order to keep the peace and not offend or drive this person away. It is so hard sometimes to swallow your pride, and say you're sorry...I mean, its hard enough to say sorry when you ARE in the wrong, let alone when you're not. Once my blood reduced to a simmer, I started thinking of my Savior. He was blamed, spit upon, and ridiculed for being absolutely perfect. He was accused of so much more than I was for doing NOTHING wrong, and I'm sure his blood temperature never raised even a degree. So why is it so hard for me to let this go? Why do we (as members, or just people in general) struggle so much with our pride? Why is it so hard for us to allow others to see our weaknesses? Why is it so important to always be right? Why do we feel the need to put others down in order to make ourselves look better? These are things I have to work on constantly. I get jealous, I get angry. I feel sorry for myself, I compare my life to others. I feel the need to be RIGHT. But today, I don't need to be right, I need to be kind. Tomorrow will be a better day, and when the time comes next for me to choose to be RIGHT or choose to be KIND, I hope it will be much easier to simply be KIND.
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