We had a super busy month! It started off with a game of toss gone wrong....This was not a good mom day...I was pretty upset. Luckily I got them both super-glued and they look pretty good.
We played with lots of friends, dressed up, and sang Frozen karaoke.
Ellie's cute hair lasted about 10 mintues, but here is proof that I do try! haha
Boston decided to use an oven mitt since the rolls were too hot for his hands...And Ellie is helping me paint the living room!
I took the kids out on dates again. Ellie really needed some one on one time. We got to go see one of my Laurels in a Disney play at the High School. She really liked it, but after each song, asked super loudly: "So, like only 3 more minutes, right mom?" haha. We went to get ice cream, and we talked about only Ellie things, with no other kids to bug us! She even got to sit in the front seat while we ate in the car. She thought that was pretty cool, and kept turning the radio up really loud. Oh boy.
Rylee cracking us up at the glass door at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Sorry about the dirty window!
Ellie's nursery leader sent this to me. She was telling her teachers about when she lived with Jesus.
Having fun playing outside, while Dad and Mom do house projects! Rylee loves being pushed in the cars.
Attempted a cake for my Sister-in-laws girls camp fundraiser. I thought it turned out pretty good! I also got to do a LOT of hair for school dances for the young women and for a few people at a cousin's wedding, but I am lame and didn't take any pictures :(
Watching T-ball! Boston did so great this year.
Boston and his coach
I'm getting desperate for punishments when they are fighting! Boston thought it was funny to share a shirt with Ellie....Ellie, not so much haha. Boston got up early to pack lunch to go to Grandma's house the day of the Temple Dedication.
Family time!