Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Rylee 7 Months

That last month flew by. Rylee gets fatter and fatter with each passing month. I don't even recognize her old pictures anymore, she looks so different! Rylee is going through on ornery phase lately. Wants to crawl, but can't. Wants to play with the kids but can't. I still think she's teething, but nothing yet. She chews on just about everything she can get her hands on. We're having a hard time putting her to bed at night, because she doesn't want to sleep anymore. (I really think its those darn teeth, but I said that months ago...)
Rylee can sit up on her own now, is eating cereal and some fruits/veggies. She likes her baths, and loves her siblings (for now) and lights up whenever they come into a room. Boston plays extreme peek-a-boo with her. It usually consists of him running as fast as he can, jumping around, and yelling boo so loud it scares her half to death. He thinks her scared face is hilarious, and they both end up laughing really hard. One day it won't be so funny to her, buddy boy. Boston also likes to turn her bows around on her head so she looks like Joseph from the nativity, or move it so the bow is directly on top of her head so he can sing happy birthday to her. (He thinks it looks like a party hat i guess) He will laugh and laugh. We all wonder if there is something seriously wrong with him.
Love my squishy girl so much.

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