Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Ellie 13-14 Months

Ellie is talking so much! Most of it is still jibberish, but she does say: boo! bah bah (Boston) Mama, Dada, thank you, whoa, wow, bum bum, woof woof, 'I did it!' and 'Boom baby.' That last one probably deserves an explanation. I'm not exactly sure where Boston picked it up, whether it was an aunt an uncle, or Jeff, or what, but whenever Boston does something cool, like make a basket in his basketball hoop, he'll yell: Boom Baby! So Ellie started saying it and it is SO cute. It sounds more like Mmmm may may! It makes us laugh.
She LOVES Boston. I think she loves him a little too much, which is why it causes problems when she gets up in his business. She calls him Bah Bah. It sounds like she is asking for her bottle. If Boston leaves the room, she will call his name till she finds him. Its adorable. He'll always answer in 3rd person. 'Bah Bah is going poop!' 'Bah Bah is doing preschool!' 'Bah Bah is eating lunch, Ellie!'
The other day, Boston had some easter candy, and I had been asking him all morning to share some with Ellie. Later that night after washing all the couch cushions, and just about to eat dinner, I look over to see Ellie with a sticky piece of licorice in and all over her hands, with her hand right on the couch. Ahhh! I washed her hands and threw the licorice away to take her up to dinner. I put her down to finish what I was doing, and next thing I know, she walks out of the bathroom with the licorice in her hand again. She must have just walked over and pulled it right back out. Oh man. She does what she wants!
On Easter morning, as I was getting ready for church, I had my curling wand setting on the counter. It has a really long cord, which is convenient, but not so much with kids. Ellie walked over to it and pulled the cord so the wand landed right on her chest. That thing is HOT. I seriously reached over to get something out of the bathroom, looked down, and it was on her. Its one of the most terrifying awful feelings I've ever had. Before I could even get to her, she reached with her left hand to pull it off. The burn on her chest was WHITE, and concave, with no blister. It was about the size of a silver dollar. We grabbed ice, which Ellie hated of course, but I held her against me with the ice on her chest so she wouldn't pull it off. Meanwhile Jeff was looking up descriptions of 3rd degree burns. To us, it so sounded like 3rd degree. I was also freaking out a little because I didn't think the Insta Care would be open on Easter. Luckily, we were able to take her in. Nothing really set in until we were driving there. I started sobbing. Pretty much uncontrollably. Now, i wasn't like violently crying or wailing or anything, I just could not stop the tears. They all thought i was nuts i'm sure. Even though there were multiple people waiting to get in, they brought us right back. Turns out it was only 2nd degree, the top layer of the blister was rubbed off sometime soon after it happened. They placed a numbing gel on her burn so they could remove the dead skin. They brought in extra nurses to hold Ellie so I wouldn't have to. I'm sure because I was still sobbing pretty good. It just made me mad. I'm not crying because I don't wan't to, or can't bear to hold my child on the table, i'm crying because I feel TERRIBLE. They placed burn cream, gauze, and a gel pad on her chest, and then wrapped her whole chest all up in bright pink tape.
Lets see, maybe a month later, Ellie is down for a nap, we hear a bang, and Ellie has a big ole welt and black eye. I have no idea what she was doing, but this is one accident prone little girl. Everyone thinks we beat and torture her.
Things Ellie loves: Boston, Daddy, food (she eats more than Boston) stuffed animals and baby dolls (she'll hug and kiss them and carry them everywhere) her blankies, shoes (a girl after my own heart) and getting into trouble. If she is doing something bad and I tell her no, she'll just keep her gaze on me and continue to do what i'm telling her 'no' to. Until I pick her up and put her in time out. Little brat!

After about a week :(
Pink chest wrap
The hand wrap only lasted a night
Silly girl!
Beginning of the black eye
The next day...
And I wonder why she is always hurt? 
She does what she wants!
Blisters :(
First time eating cold cereal by herself
1 year check up
She loves to sit in the little chair
at the zoo
taking a nap on the dirty floor
Loves to play outside
Mommy and Ellie
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1 comment:

  1. megan! You've had an eventful month! so so sorry! We need to get together.
