Birthday Cake for one of my Beehives
Ellie's first cake! She made the whole thing all by herself! (other than help reading some of the directions)
St Patricks Day Fun!
Rylee never bothers to wear a coat in the winter time - in fact, she will run outside barefoot in a dress in the snow. But when its 68 degrees outside, she decides its time to pull out the snow gear.
We discovered a giant wart on the backside of Ellie's toe. I had no idea it was there. We got the medicated patches, but in order for it to stay on her foot with all the walking and running, we have to wrap her entire foot. Otherwise it just slides off after a few minutes. She had a little friend over to play, who came up and asked me: "How big was the bee that stung Ellie?" Confused, I just replied, HUH? She repeated her question: "How big was the bee that stung Ellie's foot?" Ellie happened to walk in right as she repeated the question and tried to change the subject. She quickly said: Its just a wart, c'mon, trying to drag her friend back outside. Hahahah. We had a nice long talk about why its important not to lie, even if we'll be embarrassed. Turns out, her little friend has had warts and was able to sympathize with her.

Camping Trailer! We are so excited for our new camping trailer! Can't wait for all the fun adventures. Can't really call it camping anymore with a microwave, sink, stove, toilet, and shower....but, its going to make for some awesome memories.
Cute Miss Gracie is 7 months!
She can sit up and loves her baby food! She babbles mamamama and dadadada. She likes to whisper -babble back when the kids whisper to her. She is a Mama's girl, but loves her dad and siblings. She doesn't like strangers - which, almost everyone is a stranger to her. No surprise, due to the fact that she has been pretty much quarantined her whole life. We've enjoyed starting to get back into things slowly, starting with school in January.
Gracie took a tumble down the stairs early this month. I had gone out with my mom and sister, and Jeff had just gotten his second vaccine. I know, i know, I'm the worst ;) He didn't feel good, and layed down to close his eyes and next thing he knew she was down the stairs. Guess her army crawl really progressed while I was gone.
One of these days I had just had a really hard day. Thinking back now, I can't even remember why it was rough, but Boston caught on and put these on my pillow. A volcano that says: "I lava you guys" and a bag of his candy stash that says: "Warning - tootsee rolls are hard" haha. Cute boy!
Replacing the trailer floor! (The floor was damaged in the trailer when we bought it) Much better :)