This is how we dressed for the store in May. Gotta love Utah weather...and Ellie's fashion sense.
School play with my cute date!
Started painting the deck. This turned out to take over a month to finish because of the crazy rain we've had!
Rylee loves food :D
This FHE lesson had us all rolling. The lesson was on not judging others, so Jeff took Boston outside and made him as dirty as he could. We all took turns sharing how and why we shouldn't judge other people and be kind no matter how they look on the outside.
Cousin Zoo Day! We love spending time with our cousins!
These two best friends are so cute together!
The Rhinos were memorable...
Deep conversations...
Oh Boy....So this happened...Of all the places to have your car die, Parley's canyon wouldn't be my top choice. This happened the morning after my YW fundraiser heading up to celebrate Mothers Day in Heber. I was so exhausted physically and emotionally from the day before, I just couldn't control my emotions. As bad a day as that was, I can't help but think it could have been so much worse. I'm glad Jeff was driving, I'm grateful no one was hurt, I'm grateful for wonderful family members that dropped everything to come rescue us, and then take care of our car after we left. I'm grateful we were able to find another vehicle so quickly! We are now THAT family with all the kids and the mini-van, but seriously we love our new van!
Mothers Day
We laid in the hammocks outside and Ellie took pictures of our view :)
I got to help out on Boston's first Field Trip! Wheeler farm was so fun with his cute class.
Baby shower for my sister! She is due June 26!
Campfire with Papa....
We said goodbye to Maggie after babysitting her for 2 years! She is off to Kindergarton next year, and we're really going to miss having her in our home!
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