February started out pretty great when I scored a month of free Fiiz! Oh yeah!
Valentine FHE: We cut out hearts, and wrote what we loved about each person in our family. We decorated our kitchen with all the hearts, and let the kids make homemade ice cream. They thought that was cool!
Ferdinand family date! It was cute, I would see it again. Rylee was difficult during the movie, but the other two had a blast, and were SO good!
Celebrated Grandma, Jack and Ellie's Birthday's at the Roberts FHE. Can't believe how much Jack and Ellie have changed. Aunt Chelsey spoiled everyone and made them each their own cake. YUM!
First Birthday's:
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Boston got in trouble and I made him change a poopy diaper as punishment. He giggled the whole time and then asked if he could change another one....
How Rylee prefers to eat now. She doesn't want to miss whats going on...
The kids fell asleep watching the Olympics. We seriously can't get enough of them! It has been AWESOME for the kids, and has sparked lots of conversation about our country, and our flag. I kept getting emotional talking to them about how lucky they were to live in our country, where lots of other kids are not so lucky. Pretty sure I just confused them, but regardless, they both jump up and down when they see the stars and stripes, and LOVE to copy whatever we're watching. (They were in an epic game of hockey and someone threw a toy donut so hard against the vacuum it broke apart. The toy, not the vacuum ha. Should have gotten a picture)
We've had lots of sick kids this month. Boston kicked things off at the beginning of the month. It took me awhile to figure out what was wrong with him, because he kept telling me his neck hurt. I just assumed he had a sore throat and a cold. I went to take his temperature with our ear thermometer and he screamed for a good ten minutes. Yikes, its his EARS not his throat. I felt bad...being a mom is hard. He screamed all the way to the instacare, where we found pretty much every other kid in the city, so we put masks on and waited 2 hours to see a doctor. Luckily the ibuprophen kicked in and he was able to sleep while we waited. He drooled all over my shirt, but at least he slept haha. Double ear infection and pink eye. Bummer! Fun fact: did you know you can get pink eye from public pools? Even with the chlorine? We had taken the kids to the pool several days prior, and Rylee and Boston both came down with it the same day. Gross, right? The Dr. said Ellie was most likely safe because she had been on drops a few weeks before. Nothing like a good family case of pink eye to celebrate
the "pink" month!
Boston had been invited to a birthday party at Nickle-mania the day he got sick. He had been looking forward to it like Christmas, and was literally in tears when I told him he had to stay home. The cute birthday boy brought him cupcakes and a treat bag on his way to his party, and we went to Nicklemania a different day to make up for it. We had never been there before, and had a blast! It took me back to my old Fun Dome days. That place was the coolest when I was a kid!
We are so excited to end this month with Ellie Bean's birthday!!!
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