I had a very sweet and tender experience this Father's Day. So sweet that I needed to write it down, because I don't ever want to forget it. We were sitting in sacrament meeting yesterday and you and daddy were looking at photos. You like to look at pictures during the meeting, it helps you to be quiet and reverent, and you also like looking at the people you love! You get so happy when you see grandma, grandpa, Dustin, Jordan, Brady, Ashley, daddy and mommy....just to name a few! As you were scrolling through, you came across this picture.
This is a picture of my Grandpa Petersen. He died right after your dad and I got married. You've seen pictures of my grandparents and great grandparents at your grandma Roberts house on her bookshelf. You wave and smile at them. This time was different however, when you got a surprised look on your face and exclaimed 'Rampa!!' You looked at me, with a big grin on your face, while pointing at the picture, as if to say, look who it is, mom! You've done this with most family you know, pictures around the house, but this caught me completely off guard. I could not fight back my tears. I'm so grateful for the sweet boy you are, and for this completely perfect tender moment. You are going to grow up and do great things! You have a very strong spirit about you and have a crowd of ancestors cheering you on. I hope you are able to read this later and know that you know your great grandpa! And he knows and loves you! You must have had a special bond with him. How sweet it will be when we are all together again. We love you Boston! Thank you for giving me this sweet experience!
:) so sweet!!! What a sweet experience.